giovedì 4 gennaio 2018

I Balen in Croazia

I Balen 

I Balen, conosciuti sin dal 17 ° secolo, come Balenović, si trasferirono a Lič nel 1605; quattro anni dopo (1609) si trovano nei villaggi di Šator e Podomar, dove sono rimasti.  
Parte dei Balen si portò in seguito a Balensku Dragu, e successivamente a Lovinac (Lika).  
Nel 1745 giunsero a Skočaj e Sveti Rok.  
I Balen sono un importante clan bunjevačko croato, che oggi troviamo in diversi luoghi.  
Molti risiedono (come "Balenovic") a Slavonski Brod.

Balene poznajemo još od ranog 17. stoljeća kao Balenoviće, 1605. sele u Lič, četiri godine kasnije (1609) nalazomo ih u selima Šator i Podomar, gdje su se još zadržali. Dio Balena kasnije odlazi u Balensku Dragu, a kasnije i u Lovinac (Lika). 1745. dolaze u Skočaj i Sveti Rok. Baleni su snažno bunjevačko hrvatsko pleme koje danas nalazimo po mnogim mjestima. Mnogo ih je (kao Balenovića) kod Slavonskog broda.
[dal sito ]

Surname Balen in modern Croatia

Balen families are Croats and they are mostly from Obrovac area. In the past century, relatively most of Croatian residents bearing this family name were born in Zagreb and in Obrovac area.
About 950 people with faimily name Balen live in Croatia today, in 440 households. There were 790 of them in the middle of the past century, and their number increased by 20 percent.
They are located in almost all Croatian counties, in 56 cities and 89 other places, mostly in Zagreb (280), Fiume (Rijeka) (85), Slavonski Brod (30), Sisak (30), and in Djakovo (25).
At least 40 families with this surname emigrated from Croatia to: Germany (12), the United States (10), Canada (10), Switzerland (3), Argentina (3), Norway (1), and to the United Kingdom (1).
Family name Balen (including: Ballen , Baalen , Bahlen , Ballien , Bhalen , Baleen and Balhen ) is present in 63 countries worldwide. "Ballen " is used by some 20000 people in Colombia , about 1000 in the United States , and some 700 people in Venezuela. "Bahlen " is used by small number of people in the Netherlands and small number in the United States. "Ballien " is used by some 70 people in the United States.
[dal sito ]

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